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Valeria Gorrin

Born in Argentina. Always involved in arts&crafts activities.

I grew up loving the unusual and unique beauty of the shapes and the rough textures of materials,

the smell and smooth touch of fabrics, the perfect harmony on a white plain sheet of paper,

the endless world of colors and shades.

I may easily find myself pursuing the movements of the lines chained inside the patterns, everywhere. My eyes might be stepping only on the grey colored tiles, jumping from one to the other, while 

I’m wandering on the side of the road. Something to stare at -or just to glance at-, to catch its soul

in the way it’s shown through the colours, by the light, invites me to realize it is actually there.


Graphic Design & Visual Arts is an endless pathway that I can never stray from for too long.

I studied Graphic Design in Rosario, Argentina. After moving to Israel, I also joined the Wizo Academy

of Design to add some expertise to the journey. Then, came Austin, Texas, where I was exposed to the magic of photography in The Contemporary Austin Art School at Laguna Gloria.

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